Boom Box Mile Road Race 

Willimantic, CT USA

7/4/2013 10:00 AM

Weather: Sunny - 90'

Results By: The Last Mile LLC.

Race Mgt. by The First Mile Fitness

Timed using MyLaps Bib tag System


Overall Results

Men: 1st Place Winner :Howard Rosas

Women: 1st Place Winner :Sarah June Ports


***** Official Results *****

Place No.  Name                S Div/Tot  Div   Sex/Tot  Age City               St Time      
===== ==== =================== = ======== ===== ======== === ================== == ========= 
    1 1945 Howard Rosas        M   1/6    M2029   1/43    21 Spring Valley      NY    4:43.2 
    2 1929 Shaun Berard        M   1/7    M3039   2/43    32 Portland           CT    4:46.8 
    3 1950 Colin Giannini      M   2/6    M2029   3/43    21 Branford           CT    4:53.1 
    4 1931 Sean McLaughlin     M   3/6    M2029   4/43    27 Fairfax            VA    5:01.0 
    5  859 James Guerin        M   2/7    M3039   5/43    30 South Windsor      CT    5:06.0 
    6  406 Peter Oviatt        M   1/8    M4049   6/43    43 Bellingham         WA    5:07.4 
    7   93 Scott Sutter        M   3/7    M3039   7/43    35 Somers             CT    5:08.8 
    8   40 Ryan Powers         M   4/6    M2029   8/43    25 Andover            CT    5:16.8 
    9 1943 Sarah June Ports    F   1/5    F2029   1/31    24 Lebanon            CT    5:19.0 
   10 1923 Jon Dipippo         M   2/8    M4049   9/43    43 Brooklyn           CT    5:23.5 
   11 1921 Zoia Wieciorkowska  F   1/3    F5059   2/31    50 Stratford          CT    5:25.0 
   12 1916 Tracy Montoya       M   3/8    M4049  10/43    49 Waterford          CT    5:32.1 
   13 1937 Alexander Spicer    M   1/6    M1319  11/43    18 Chaplin            CT    5:36.4 
   14 1939 Mustapha Ratib      M   4/8    M4049  12/43    47 North Stonington   CT    5:37.9 
   15 1946 Juli Bassett        F   2/5    F2029   3/31    21 New London         CT    5:39.8 
   16 1932 Shawn Bardette      M   4/7    M3039  13/43    37 West Willington    CT    5:44.6 
   17   42 Tricky Tanksley     F   1/9    F3039   4/31    33 Gales Ferry        CT    5:48.0 
   18   94 Marc Scrivener      M   5/8    M4049  14/43    43 Willimantic        CT    5:50.9 
   19 1927 Kelly Labanara      F   3/5    F2029   5/31    20 Chaplin            CT    6:00.9 
   20 1918 Jay Hamilton        M   6/8    M4049  15/43    41 Mansfield Center   CT    6:05.3 
   21   14 Dani Kennedy        F   2/3    F5059   6/31    54 Bolton             CT    6:07.4 
   22  858 Amanda Ericson      F   4/5    F2029   7/31    24 Bolton             CT    6:15.8 
   23  409 Rebekah Oviatt      F   1/6    F1319   8/31    15 Bellingham         WA    6:19.7 
   24   97 Gildardo Viveros    M   5/6    M2029  16/43    28 Willimantic        CT    6:32.3 
   25 1925 Amy Ciccarillo      F   2/9    F3039   9/31    31 New Britain        CT    6:36.0 
   26 1938 Chantz Stultz       M   2/6    M1319  17/43    14 Willimantic        CT    6:43.9 
   27 1917 Christian Montoya   M   1/8    M-12   18/43    10 Waterford          CT    6:46.9 
   28   84 Samuel Lewbel       M   1/5    M6069  19/43    63 Stafford Springs   CT    6:51.4 
   29 1920 Spring Cole         F   1/4    F4049  10/31    48 Amston             CT    6:55.8 
   30 1940 Sebastien Stultz    M   2/8    M-12   20/43    12 Willimantic        CT    6:57.8 
   31  354 Derek Bogan         M   3/8    M-12   21/43     9 Willimantic        CT    6:58.9 
   32 1926 Dan Ciccarillo      M   2/5    M6069  22/43    65 New Britain        CT    7:01.9 
   33 1942 Warren Church       M   1/2    M70+   23/43    72 Chaplin            CT    7:06.7 
   34   96 Juana Viveros       F   3/9    F3039  11/31    30 Willimantic        CT    7:12.2 
   35 1919 Annette Hamilton    F   2/4    F4049  12/31    48 Mansfield Center   CT    7:15.6 
   36 1948 Marykate Bassert    F   2/6    F1319  13/31    19 New London         CT    7:22.8 
   37 1949 Stephen Timmons     M   6/6    M2029  24/43    26 Storrs Mansfield   CT    7:23.1 
   38 1922 Christopher Babcock M   3/6    M1319  25/43    15 Griswold           CT    7:23.5 
   39   45 Quentin Haeseler    M   4/6    M1319  26/43    14 Canterbury         CT    7:23.6 
   40 1924 Rachel Tambling     F   4/9    F3039  14/31    32 Mansfield Center   CT    7:25.4 
   41  837 Trevor Kiddy        M   5/7    M3039  27/43    34 South Windham      CT    7:28.1 
   42   21 Coby Dodd           M   6/7    M3039  28/43    37 Willimantic        CT    7:28.2 
   43 1933 Emma Palmacci       F   5/9    F3039  15/31    37 West Willington    CT    7:28.5 
   44  873 Kara Bassett        F   3/6    F1319  16/31    14 New London         CT    7:32.8 
   45 1936 Scott Thompson      M   7/8    M4049  29/43    47 Mansfield Center   CT    7:37.5 
   46   33 Felicia Figueroa    F   4/6    F1319  17/31    17 Windham            CT    7:37.7 
   47 1935 Andrew Thompson     M   5/6    M1319  30/43    13 Mansfield Center   CT    7:38.2 
   48 1934 Chrystyanna Quarrio F   1/1    F-12   18/31    11 Willimantic        CT    7:45.3 
   49 1930 Thomas McIntosh Jr  M   2/2    M70+   31/43    76 Coventry           CT    7:47.0 
   50   34 Kevin O'Brien       M   3/5    M6069  32/43    63 Manchester         CT    7:54.4 
   51    4 Luis Maysonet       M   7/7    M3039  33/43    37 Manchester         CT    7:54.5 
   52   23 Katie Dodd          F   6/9    F3039  19/31    32 Willimantic        CT    7:55.3 
   53   32 Tricia Figueroa     F   5/5    F2029  20/31    22 Windham            CT    8:00.1 
   54  349 Ron Bogan           M   8/8    M4049  34/43    41 Willimantic        CT    8:02.2 
   55  100 Logan Contos        M   4/8    M-12   35/43    11 Amston             CT    8:19.1 
   56 1947 Scott Bassett       M   1/1    M5059  36/43    50 New London         CT    8:32.6 
   57 1944 Kathy Harriman      F   1/3    F6069  21/31    60 San Francisco      CA    8:35.3 
   58   99 Jacob Theriault     M   5/8    M-12   37/43    10 Willimantic        CT    8:36.0 
   59   44 Michaeleen Haeseler F   2/3    F6069  22/31    66 Canterbury         CT    8:37.8 
   60 1915 Caden Kiddy         M   6/8    M-12   38/43     7 South Windham      CT    8:42.6 
   61 1914 Susan Kiddy         F   7/9    F3039  23/31    34 South Windham      CT    8:46.7 
   62 1941 Alycia Sanders      F   3/4    F4049  24/31    42 Chaplin            CT    8:49.5 
   63 1928 Malcolm Todt        M   4/5    M6069  39/43    68 Middlberry         CT    8:52.1 
   64   35 Aga Wusatowska-Sarn F   3/3    F5059  25/31    50 Mansfield Center   CT    8:56.9 
   65  347 Terri Bogan         F   8/9    F3039  26/31    36 Willimantic        CT    9:07.5 
   66   29 Meghan Gammel       F   5/6    F1319  27/31    13 Willimantic        CT    9:16.0 
   67  857 Edgar Poudrier      M   6/6    M1319  40/43    13 Chaplin            CT    9:19.5 
   68   25 Nick Gammel         M   7/8    M-12   41/43     7 Willimantic        CT    9:44.5 
   69   98 Jennifer Theriault  F   4/4    F4049  28/31    40 Willimantic        CT    9:58.4 
   70  150 Jerson Rosario      M   8/8    M-12   42/43     8 Willimantic        CT   10:09.5 
   71   30 Michelle Gammel     F   9/9    F3039  29/31    34 Willimantic        CT   11:58.9 
   72   95 Emma Scrivener      F   6/6    F1319  30/31    14 Willimantic        CT   12:34.9 
   73   31 Jim Masso           M   5/5    M6069  43/43    63 Willimantic        CT   12:53.9 
    74 1726 Patty Vuylsteke     F   3/3    F6069  31/31    62 Uncasville         CT   16:40.5  

                                                 For more information: 860-456-4451 

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